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Human Factors for Pilots - Using Your Aviation Brain for a Change (Audiobook)

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$ 24.95 USD
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$ 29.95 USD
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$ 24.95 USD


Rod Machado's NEW Human Factors for Pilots Audiobook: 6.0 Hours of Narration by Rod Machado. Download or access files through your account window. All Products Meet New Test Standards! (Updated to 2025 standards.)

Audiobook files are found in your account window. Log into your account and download the Audiobook phone App. The phone App (IOS and Android) allows you to play all audiobook chapters offline. You can also download the entire .zip file of all the audiobook MP3 files.

The NTSB once said that 75% of all aviation accidents result from human error. That's why the discipline of Aviation Human Factors became a popular topic for study among pilots over the past few decades. Traditionally, most of the knowledge in this discipline was drawn from academia. The results were interesting but often academically dense, overly-technical, and often unreadable material drawn from university libraries. Rod Machado has changed that.

This audiobook contains 46 unique audio lessons (6 hours of audio) narrated by Rod Machado. They are drawn from everyday life, both in and out of the cockpit. These lessons are based on how our brain (our aviation brain) works or sometimes doesn't work. Each of these practical lessons contains life-changing insights that are sure to help you avoid starring in your own NTSB report. They will also make your flying experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Here are some of the topics covered:

✈Why do we more easily mismanage our agreements with pilots than our disagreements?
✈How to avoid the temptation to do the wrong thing in an airplane.
✈How to think a second time to make proper decisions the first time.
✈The aviation-applicable lesson that Mathis taught James Bond in Casino Royale.
✈Five insanely useful questions to help guide your decision-making choices.
✈How our conscious bandwidth prevents cockpit multitasking.
✈Your two minds and how they work independently when making decisions.
✈What a WWll submarine commander can teach all pilots.
✈And much, much more.


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