Rod Machado's Private Pilot Handbook (3rd Edition) Update Page
All books, ebooks, audiobooks, and eLearning courses are updated when important changes occur and as soon as I can update the product. Any significant change will be shown below.
I update all products from week-to-week, month-to-month and with each new book printing, as changes occur. Rest assured that you have the most current product on the market. Keep in mind that if you own any of my ebooks you can update that ebook for up to "one year" after the date of purchase by clicking the original download link (I can't resend eBook download links, so please don't lose them). Audiobook ".mp3" files found in your account window are always updated when significant changes occur.
Rod Machado
Update 11-21-2022
Chapter 6: I've updated the BasicMed section to reflect the allowance for pilots operating under BasicMed to act as a safety pilot without having to also act as PIC of the flight.
Update - 9-17-2022
Chapter 17, Page Q23
The "E" in the IMSAFE acronym stands for "emotion," not "eating." This is correctly mentioned on Page Q33.
Update - 9-5-2022
Chapter 7, Page G34, Figure 56
The displaced threshold at the beginning of Runway 26 should be 500 feet in length. It was incorrectly marked 400 feet in length.
Update Issue on 1-31-2022
Update all Area Navigation graphics in Chapter 11, Radio Navigation.
Pages K23-K28 now have a GPS more similar to the Garmin 530 WAAS based GPS unit.
Changes Issue on 12-10-2021
Chapter 11 Radio Navigation
GPS graphics updated to more closely reflect Garmin's 530 WAAS GPS.
Changes Issue on 12-06-2012
Chapter 2, Page 52: Added page on the lift equation.
Chapter 3, Page 39-40: Added pages on Cold Weather Operations.
Chapter 6: Page F22: Changed Notices to Airmen to Notices to Air Missions.
Chapter 11: Removed section on ADF Navigation. Added GPS RAIM
information to page K29. Added more information to
Postflight Briefing #11-2
Chapters 13/17: Changed Notices to Airmen to Notices to Air Missions.
Change: Issued on 7-28-2021
Chapter-8, Page H16, column 1, paragraph 1:
The highlighted text below represents the correct information. If you are intercepted by a military airplane, you should squawk 7700. You should never squawk 7777. This is for military aircraft only.
Small Change: Issued on 6-09-2021
Chapter-15, Page O3:
Graphic below added to this page.
Significant Change: Issued on 4-19-2021
Chapter-9, Figures 42, 43 & 50 correction:
Graphic #1 incorrectly shows that ADS-B is required below the lateral limits of Class B and C airspace (it's not). Graphic #2 correctly shows the ADS-B requirement. Please correct this in your book.
Graphic #1
Graphic #2
Significant Change: Issued on 09-26-2020, Page F18:
1. The following item highlighted in pink changed from 200 hours to 500 hours as per FAR 91.146. Please change this number in your book.
Significant Change: Issued on 04-08-2020:
1. The following highlighted changes have been made to on the referenced pages:
Page F36
Page F37
Page i23
Page i26
Page Q20_____________________________________________
Significant Change: Issued on 11-28-2019:
1. The FAA has eliminated the Radar Summary Chart from its list of required weather charts you need to study. I will replace all the radar summary chart information with NEXRAD information, which is already in the Private Pilot Handbook.
2. The FAA has also done away with the expected-change category of "BECMG" or "becoming" in the Terminal Aerodrome Forecast. Therefore, all TAFs will now show only FM, TEMPO and PROB30 but not BECMG.
3. The four panel Low Level Significant Weather Pro Chart is replaced by the two panel (12 and 24 hour) prog chart as shown below.
4. Chapter 7, Page G25, Figure 44B. The emphasis is placed on the word "rotates" here.
5. Page Q4, Chapter 17. Four types of Hypoxia are added to the discussion.
Updates issues on 9-21-2019:
On page M16, please make this correction.
On page P10, please make this correction.
On page P21, please make this correction.
On page P22, please make this correction.
On page P22, please make this correction.