Rod Machado's 40-Hour Private Pilot eLearning Ground School Updates

New videos added to the eLearning ground school are identified below. Please review the updated video to add/update your knowledge. 


Update 2-2-2025
The downloads video player has been updated to correct for improper aspect ratio when the "full screen" icon (the three parallel bars in the top left-hand corner) is selected. You'll have to redownload the IOS/Android app to see this change.

Update 12-24-2024
 I've added a new video to the Airport Operations chapter. The new video is titled "Airport Signage" and it's added to the Taxiway Marking Module 3, Section 3.1. This video provides a big picture understanding of airport signage that makes understanding the many complex airport signs/symbols easier to understand. I've also reorganized Module 4 to reduce redundant material and more evenly spread out the relevant questions between different videos.

Update 11-18-2024
The following question in Simulated FAA PP Exam Quiz #4 has changed to read as follows.

Update 11-16-2024
Updated FAR Part-1, Module 7.3 on BasicMed to reflect the newest changes to BasicMed. The text of the change is shown below.

Update 11-8-2024
Added new video titled, "ATC Radar Environments" to Radio Operations, Section 11, Video 11.2.

Update 10-4-2024
General updates to this Private Pilot eCourse dealing with style, typos, and non-critical items are made every few days as necessary. My eCourses remain the most updated and current eCourses on the market.

Update 8-25-2024
Added New video on Letters to Airmen to Pilot Potpourri module, Section 7, video 7.4.

Update 6-21-2024
Added new video on Minimum Fuel Advisory to Pilot Potpourri module, Section 9, video 9.2.

Update 6-14-2024
Added a new video titled "Obstructions to Flight" was added to Aviation Maps, Section 9, Module 9.2.

Update 5-23-2024
The following three weight & balance questions from Module 7, Quiz Section 7.6 had the wrong chart reference. The correct chart reference is shown below in red.

Update 4-30-2024
Added a new video titled "Energy Management" was added to Aerodynamics Part-2, Section 8, Module 8.11.

Update 4-15-2024
Added a new video was added to the Pilot Potpourri module, Section 8, Video 8.13 titled, "The Positive Exchange of Flight Controls."

Update 2-14-2024
Added a new video to Aerodynamics, Part-2, Section 8.10 titled, "How Engine Power Affects Stall Speed."

Updates 12-21-2023
Added a new video to Airport Operations, Module 20, section 20.2 titled, "Weathervaning." 



Updates 12-13-2023
Added a video explaining the rectangular course and S-Turns across a road to Airport Operations, Section 10, module 10.2. 



Updates 11-30-2023
Added a short video on T-tail Airplanes to Aerodynamics, Part-1, Section 4, module 4.16.

Updates 11-30-2023
Weight and balance question Quiz 8.6, problem #5. The correct explanation is shown below.
Updates 11-7-2023
BIG! Update.
The Aviation Weather Center changed the basic structure of the GFA (Graphical Forecast for Aviation) a few weeks ago. Every GFA section has been updated in all my products (i.e., eBooks, Audiobooks and the Private Pilot and Instrument Pilot eCourses). The New GFA information is found in the Weather Charts section of all the previously mentioned items. Check it out for yourself. Do keep in mind that the GFA is not required knowledge for any FAA knowledge exam with the exception of Static Weather Images found on the AWS website. Nevertheless, I find the new GFA portal very helpful in flight planning. I think you will too once you understand how to use it ( In addition, both the private and instrument eCourses have been updated with the newest FAA test questions that should be valid into much of 2024.

Updates 8-24-2023
The FAA is now asking questions on stabilized approaches. I've added a new video to the Pilot Potpourri Module, Section 9, video 9.1. 

Updates 8-10-2023
Over the past three weeks course notes and explanations have been added to the NOTES tab in the quizzes (except for the final quiz) for all modules. These notes and explanations help you better understand the correct answer to the quiz questions should you answer a question incorrectly.

Updates 8-9-2023
I've added a new video titled, "Gliding Into the Wind" to Aerodynamics Part-2. The video is found in Section 8, Video 8.8. The information in this video is not required for the private pilot knowledge exam, but it's good information for the private pilot to know.

Update 7-26-2023
I've added a video titled, "Dehydration and Heatstroke and OTCs" to the Pilot Potpourri module, Section 3, Module 3.11.

Update 6-19-2023

Added a new "Extra Credit" video titled, Dihedral and Lateral Stability to the Private Pilot eCourse (Aerodynamics Part-2, Module 8, Section 8.9).

Update 6-2-2023
I've added an interaction to the Weight and Balance Module at  Section 5, Slide 5.2

Update 5-27-2023
I've replaced the "Three Ring Laser Gyro" video with "MEMS Accelerometers, and Gyros" video found in the "Flight Instruments: Clocks, TOPS, & Toys" module. See Section 6.4.
This is not required knowledge for the Private Pilot Knowledge exam but it does describe the micro-electro-mechanical devices that function as gyroscopes and accelerators in our primary flight display units. It's nice to know material.

Update 5-26-2023
The Private Pilot eGround School is updated weekly with smaller changes that would be too numerous to list here. These changes include the addition of variations on test questions, graphic changes for clarity and sound enhancement, to name a few. My intent is to provide a more enjoyable training experience with this eCourse.

Update 12-18-2022
Airport Operations: I've updated the graphics on several videos in this module (i.e., 1.3 Airport Layout, 18.1 Wake Turbulence, along with a few other minor video updates) . The information hasn't changed. Please redownload this module to update your downloaded videos. 

Update 11-21-2022
FAR Part-1, Module 7, Video 7.3: I've updated the BasicMed video to reflect the allowance for pilots operating under BasicMed to act as a safety pilot without having to also act as PIC of the flight.

Update 10-26-2022
Private Pilot Exam #3 was corrupted. I just uploaded the most current version having 60 questions instead of 30 questions. I do apologize for not catching this sooner.

Update 10-10-2022
Update the module titled, "The Chart Supplement." This module is found in the "Radio Operations," chapter, Section  10, video 10.1. I added an additional six minutes of video education here that explains several additional sections of the Chart Supplement booklet.

Update 7-15-2022
Added New Video to the Radio Navigation: The Frequency Flyer Program. This added video is titled, The Big Picture Perspective to Radio Navigation, and is added to Section 4, Module 4.1.

Update 6-4-2022
Updated Understanding Weather Part-5, Section 1, Module 1.16, titled "Rare Clouds."
I added an interaction allowing students to see several rare types of cloud formations.

Update 6-1-2022
Updated Airport Operations, Section 22, Module 22.1 on Avoiding Runway Incursions.
The FAA's new Hot Spot symbology was added to this module.

Update 5-23-2022
Updated "The Altimeter" in Flight Instruments, Section 3 (The Altimeter and VSI), Module 3.1

Update 4-26-2022
New video added to Aerodynamics Part-2, Section 8, Module 8.5: The Rate and Radius of Turn.
It's not uncommon for pilots to confuse the rate and radius of turn. Both are important to know for any number of reasons. Here's a video that explains the topic in some detail.

Update 4-8-2022
Updated Weight and Balance Module, Section 4, Module 4.2 "Advanced Stability Study. I update the second quarter of this video discussing how static stability works, making the explanation easier to understand.

Update 1-31-2022
Update all video graphics in Section 8, Area Navigation of the Radio Navigation Module.

Update 1-2-2022
Added an interaction on METARs in the "Weather Charts & Briefings" section, module 6.12.

Update 10-21-2021
Added slide "The Inner Ear in 3D" to Pilot Potpourri, Section 3.8."

Update 10-21-2021
Added "The Lift Equation" to  "Understanding Aerodynamics, Part-2," Section 1.6.

Update 10-17-2021
Added "The Forces in a Turn" to  "Understanding Aerodynamics, Part-2," Section 1.5.

Update 10-14-2021
Added "Runway Declared Distances" video in Airport Operations, Section 4, Video 4.7.

Update 10-8-2021
Updated VASI Videos and Added Tri-Color VASI Information to Airport Operations, Section 17.

Update 10-8-2021
Added "Cold Weather Engine Operations" module to The Airplane Engine , Part-2, Slide 6.3.

Update 9-1-2021
All module quiz questions now show the number of questions in the quiz. The final quiz in each section now has a counter to help you determine how many questions remain to be answered.

Update 7-15-2021
Added New Interaction to Airport Operations, Section 4, Slide 4.4

I've added an interaction that lets you see airport signs as they appear on the airport instead of being only isolated signs on paper.

Update 6-4-2021
Video Length Issue Fixed.
In Radio Navigation, Section 4.2, the video scrubber ran beyond the total video length of 90 seconds. This was fixed. If your the video scrub bar runs beyond the end of the video, then clear your browser's cache and view it again.

Updates 5-26-2021
Two Additional Videos Added:

Flight Instruments, Section 3, Video 3.5 (Temperature Differences and Your Altimeter) is new:

Airplane Performance, Section 3, Video 3.5 (The Four Altitudes) is new: