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Flight Review eLearning Course Bundle

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$ 49.00 USD
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$ 49.00 USD


Flight Review Preparation eLearning Course Bundle - $49.95 (7 hours of great course content!) This course is a bundle of the "Interactive FAR Course" and "Interactive Airspace Course." THIS eCourse meets all new 2024 ACS standards. Offline study available. You have lifetime access and this course is always current and updated frequently. This course is included in the Private Pilot eGround School.

CLICK Video Icon to the left (or tab above) to learn how to access your eLearning course. These eLearning courses work on all iThingy devices, Android devices, laptops and PCs. Please use Chrome browser to access course links. 

  As you know, you’re required to take a Flight Review every 24 calendar months. This review requires that you fly with an instructor for at least one hour and have at least one hour of ground review on Part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. OK, flying is the easy part for most pilots. It’s the ground review of the regulations that often makes us feel as if our mental wheel stopped spinning because our mental hamster just died. It’s simply, boring. That's why I've combined two of my interactive eLearning courses to help you review or refresh your knowledge of Part 61 (Airman Certification and currency requirements), Part 91 (general operating and flight rules) and the rules and techniques for operating in many different types of airspace.

   This course consists of animations, videos, enjoyable narration, interactions and quizzes. You'll find all course modules to be comprehensive, educational and a lot of fun to use. You can permanently download each course module to your iThingy or Android tablet device or you can simply study the course from a browser on your computer.

   Here are some of the wonderful things you'll learn or review in this course:

  • Why the modern airspace system is constructed the way it is.
  • Why Class A airspace begins at 18,000 feet (FL180).
  • Why Class E begins at either 700' or 1,200' AGL.
  • Why SVFR minimums are 1 mile and clear of clouds.
  • Why VFR in Class E below 10,000' is 3 miles.
  • Why VFR cloud clearance is often higher above than below the clouds.
  • Why VFR in Class G below 700' is 1 mile and clear of clouds.
  • Why pilots are allowed to estimate their own flight visibility for SVFR ops at satellite airports.
  • A great lesson on the history of our airspace system in the United States.
  • BasicMed
  • Why a private pilot can log PIC time without even touching the controls of an airplane.
  • Why airplane owners must re-register airplanes every three years.
  • Why the requirement for weight and balance papers isn't found in Part 91 of the FARs.
  • A collection of "hard to find" legal interpretations on regulations important to pilots.
  • And so much, much more!

 Note: Purchased eLearning courses are accessible anytime from the "Customer Login" section, after you log in. YOU MUST LOG IN TO ACCESS YOUR COURSE! Please click the "How to View This Course" tab below and learn how to use your tablet device for best viewing.  



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