Customer Comments on Rod's Instrument Pilot's Handbook

  “If you are truly serious about instrument flying, you should buy this book. If you are not serious, you should not be flying on instruments.”  Captain John Dill - FedEx Express

 “Rod’s IFR Handbook is wonderful. His style makes very dry and often boring topics very interesting. It’s almost like reading a novel.” Marc Lame, Charlevoix, Michigan

 “To the IFR world, Machado’s Handbook is manna from heaven. Other sources don’t explain how things relate to real-world flying. Machado’s book does this exceptionally well. The illustrations, pictures, levity, text, and content are great! The BREADTH of the subject matter covered is tremendous. It covers exactly what IFR pilots need today. ” John Plueger, CFI–AISMEL, ATP, Citation-500

 “…the pages I have read on approach charts and holding are worth the price of the book. I believe Rod’s books are the best. ” Bill Fosina, Gladstone, New Jersey